Rhythms are great. They are the reason we can go DUM DUM CLAP DUM DUM CLAP DUM DUM CLAP and start singing We Will Rock you by Queen! Rhythms are important in music because they can change the entire song and make a song sound exciting or slow and sad. They are usually written on "manuscript" or as sheet music. Every rhythm mark has a certain amount of time that it is played for. The picture to the side should hopefully explain this a little better. I have put the sounds for each length too so you can hear them!
The notes all have their own names, and they come from the length of the bar. A 1/4 note would be a quarter of a 4/4 bar, meaning it lasts for 1 beat. The easiest way to think of these names is to use their numerical values (1/th note, 1/4 note, 1/2 note, etc..) but the British have a different way of naming the notes. There are quite a few different names, but ill put them below o you can see how they look with their note values:
1/32nd note = Demi-Semi-Quaver
1/16th note = Semi-Quaver
1/8th note = Quaver
1/4 note = Crotchet
1/2 note = Semi-Breve
Whole note = Breve
I'd recommend learning those names so you can change between the two for the future, as I'm sure you'll come across them again!
There are some rhythms below with the sheet music. See if you can follow them with the music!

Add some Rhythms with their sheet music above/below them. Maybe about 4?